Unit Study Resources for Homeschool & Classroom
Find the right Unit Study resources! Be prepared in the classroom or your homeschool with this ultimate list of Unit Study resources that you can easily incorporate into your lessons.
I love choosing a theme to focus on with my kids!
I remember when my kids were in preschool, the teacher would work with the local library to get books that matched the learning theme of the week.
It inspired me to start that tradition in my own home.. and to start creating thematic book lists that matched my child’s interest.
From there, those book lists have blossomed into more robust teaching opportunities, ultimately become more rounded unit study resources!
And to make sure I’m covering a number of bases, I’ve worked with a number of other fabulous bloggers to create a whole list of free unit study resources you can use in homeschool or for a classroom curriculum.
Unit Study Resources for Homeschool
Find the right unit study resources. Topics listed below that don’t have a link yet are coming soon!
- Airplanes
- Alphabet
- Angles
- Animals in Winter
- Apples
- Aquariums
- Art
- Astronauts (Space)
- Aviation
- Back to School
- Bats
- Beaches
- Bees
- Birds
- Body Parts
- Bridge Design
- Bugs & Insects
- Butterflies
- Coding
- Colors
- Community Service
- Computer Coding
- Counting
- Cows
- Dads
- Dentist
- Dinosaurs
- Dr. Seuss
- Dolphins
- Electricity
- Empathy
- Fairy Tales
- Fall (Autumn)
- Family
- Farm (preschool)
- Farm (elementary)
- Feelings
- Fish
- Friendship
- Frogs
- Gardening
- Gingerbread
- Giraffes
- Grocery Store
- Groundhogs
- Gravity
- Horses
- Human Body
- Ice Cream
- Leaves
- Levers and Pulleys
- Libraries
- Manners
- Maps
- Measurements
- Math/Numbers
- Mexico
- Moms
- Moon
- Mother Goose
- Mountains
- Numbers
- Nutrition
- Ocean Animals
- Opposites
- Peanuts
- Penguins
- Pirates
- Poetry
- Ponds/Lakes
- Presidents
- Pumpkins
- Rainbows
- Recycling
- Reindeer
- Respect
- Road Trips (Maps)
- Robots
- Rocks
- Safety
- Seasons
- Sharing
- Shapes
- Sheep
- Simples Machines
- Snakes
- Snow
- Snowmen
- Soup
- Space (preschool)
- Space (elementary)
- Spring
- Spring (Preschool-focused)
- Squirrels
- Star Wars
- States of Water
- Summer
- Summer Olympics
- Summer Sports
- Sun
- Superheroes
- Strawberries
- Teamwork
- Teddy Bears
- Time
- Tolerance
- Virtues
- Water Science
- Weather
- Wild Animals
- Wildflowers
- Winter
- Winter Science
- Wolves
- Woodland Creatures
- Zoo Animals
- Groundhog Day
- Valentine’s Day
- St. Patrick’s Day
- Earth Day
- Earth Day Freebies
- Easter
- Cinco de Mayo
- Mother’s Day
- Memorial Day
- Father’s Day
- 4th of July
- Halloween
- Thanksgiving
- Christmas (and other Winter holidays)
- Berenstain
- Bill Martin Jr.
- Eric Carle
- Ezra Jack Keats
- Doreen Cronin
- Jan Brett
- Laura Joffe Numeroff
- Leo Lionni
- Mo Willems
- Sandra Boynton
Additional Educational Resources and Tips