Fish Books for Kids
Get your children excited about the seas with these fun fish books for kids that will get them thinking about our underwater friends.
What is it about fish? They’re calming. They’re quirky. They all have their own personalities. They’re the perfect addition to our animal books series.
You can find these fish books for kids at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Personally, my sons and I are in love with a puffer fish at our doctor’s office. This one is cool fish is there ever was one! Didn’t Mylie Cyrus even write a song about her puffer fish? You can’t make this stuff up, folks!
Ever since my kids were in a stroller, we have been visiting our local Shedd Aquarium in Chicago.
And I have such fond memories of visiting the New England Aquarium in Boston as well.
It’s where my deep appreciation of fish really began.
These books should get your kids thinking about fish and their many different personalities.
One fish with a great personality is Rainbow Fish! Get these Rainbow Fish book printables to add to the fun.
Printable Fish Activities for Kids
Dive into a world of fun with printable fish activities for kids that spark creativity and learning!
- Fish Roll and Color Math Games
- 10 Little Fish Song and Activities
- Fishing for Letters
- Fish Preschool Activities
- Fish Theme Preschool Classroom Lesson Plans
- Fish Notebooking Pages
- Fish Writing Prompts
And when you’re done reading these fun fish books for kids, drive into the Rainbow Fish Board Book Series and Ocean Books for Kids.
Fish Books for Kids
This clever, wordless picture book, by a popular New Yorker cartoonist, is filled with charm and heart and will have no problem swimming its way into the hearts of young readers.
After an epic journey beneath the lake's surface, they find what they came for -- a FISH, along with some unanticipated menace from a few other letters.
Beginning with just five fish and continuing into flights of fancy, One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish celebrates how much fun imagination can be.
From the can-opening Zans to the boxing Gox to the winking Yink who drinks pink ink, the silly rhymes and colorful cast of characters create an entertaining approach to reading that will have every child giggling from morning to night.
Caldecott Honor Book
Deep in the sea there lives a happy school of little fish. Their watery world is full of wonders, but there is also danger, and the little fish are afraid to come out of hiding... until Swimmy comes along.
Swimmy shows his friends how — with ingenuity and team work — they can overcome any danger.
Dive into the ocean to learn about opposites in this bubbly book!
With bright artwork, fish-shaped finger-holes, and a fun rhyming story, learning is brought to life!
In simple, easy-to-understand language children learn the basic characteristics of what fish are, how they swim, breathe, and reproduce, and the different ways they protect themselves from predators.
The beautifully detailed, full-color illustrations reflect the diversity of the fish population-from an Arctic char to a Porcupine Fish-and present each in its natural underwater habitat.
For every parent or teacher who knows the boundless creativity of a perpetually late child, this shows how telling excuses can turn into telling stories to be shared with friends and family.
And with a bouncy, bubbly rhyme and vibrant undersea illustrations, Tiddler is sure to become a summertime, read-aloud favourite.
Join this energetic, fishy tale of one family's quest among all the fish in the sea to find the fish with the deep sea smile - but can they catch it?
Best-selling children's author Margaret Wise Brown sends us on a rollicking rhyming adventure, taking us from the poles to the tropics along the way.
This watery world is brought colorfully to life by the fun and vivid artwork of illustrator Henry Fisher.
This intriguing collection of questions and answers about our lakes and freshwater systems will fascinate, amaze and inform young readers and anyone who is curious about this world of water.
The book answers questions submitted by youngsters curious about water and life in a watershed and reveals the common ecology of freshwater lakes.
Loaded with illustrations and photographs, the authors tackle the science, plants, fish and animals, and geography.
The Rainbow Fish is an international best-seller and a modern classic.
Eye-catching foil stamping, glittering on every page, offers instant child appeal, but it is the universal message at the heart of this simple story about a beautiful fish who learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions that gives the book its lasting value.
Swim along with the pout-pout fish as he discovers that being glum and spreading "dreary wearies" isn't really his destiny.
Bright ocean colors and playful rhyme come together in Deborah Diesen's fun fish story that's sure to turn even the poutiest of frowns upside down.
From the spiky lionfish and the brightly colored clownfish to lanternfishes and hatchetfishes that flash lights so they can find each other in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, children will be fascinated by the breadth of sea life depicted.
An afterword offers fascinating facts and a closer look at each fish.
Little White Fish is in tears. It can't find its mommy and asks for help from a red crab, orange starfish, yellow snail, green tortoise, blue whale, purple octopus.
Look, there's mommy with all the colors of the rainbow!
And I couldn't resist including this personal favorite...
When a tiny fish shoots into view wearing a round blue topper (which happens to fit him perfectly), trouble could be following close behind.
So it’s a good thing that enormous fish won’t wake up. And even if he does, it’s not like he’ll ever know what happened. . . .
Visual humor swims to the fore as the best-selling Jon Klassen follows his breakout debut with another deadpan-funny tale.
For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!
In addition to offering recommendations of fish books for children that kids will love and learn from, I’ve teamed up with some fellow bloggers to offer you homeschool and in-class unit study resources about aquariums! Some of these resources may contain affiliate links.

For further aquarium study unit ideas, consider the following links:
Under the Sea Fun Octopus Vegetable Platter from Crafty Mama in ME
Aquarium Arithmetic Seek and Find from Look! We’re Learning!
Fun Things to See at the Newport Aquarium from Something 2 Offer
Aquarium in a Bottle: Ocean Sensory Idea from A Little Pinch of Perfect
Aquarium I Spy from Schooling a Monkey
Finding Fish Learning Placemat from Books and Giggles
Snorkeling with Kids in Thailand: A Live Aquarium from FrogMom

Nice post!! I like this koi fish book and Koi art.