Special Needs Books: Reading Lists for Children, Teens and Parents

From Autism to Dyslexia, you’ll find a number of special needs books that are perfect to read with your own children

As the mom of kiddos with ADHD, Dyslexia, Sensory Processing Disorder and depression, I’ve personally spent a lot of time figuring out ways to reach out and connect with my kids about the challenges they face.

As they got older and we continued to delve into the differences that make us all unique, we also started focusing on other people’s unique qualities, which is where many of these additional lists branched out from.

My wish is that you find these special needs books and reading lists a good springboard to start the discussion with your children about the unique qualities as well as challenges many children manage. Only by teaching our children that differences are just as wonderful can we raise empathic and giving kiddos.

You can find these books at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Special Needs Books: Reading Lists for Children, Teens and Parents

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