Anger Books for Kids: Anger Management Help for Kids of All Ages

Anger books for kids are a great way to start teaming kids how to manage their own anger.

Children get angry. It’s just a fact of life.

But when your child gets explosive angry, it can be time to start addressing how to help your child manage those feelings. 

For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!

You can find these anger books for kids at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Anger Books for Kids: Anger Management Help for Kids of All Ages | Mommy Evolution

Anger Books for Kids

Anger books for kids is a perfect way of approaching the discussion and getting it going.

For toddlers, talking about scary feelings and helping them understand simple ways to cope can make a huge difference. Or try this activity on anger management.

Older kids may benefit from workbooks and more in-depth anger books to help address your child’s specific hot buttons and behaviors.

Find these anger books for kids at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

I’ve broken down this list into several age categories:

  • Anger Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers
  • Anger Books for Elementary-Age and Middle School
  • Anger Books for Teens
  • Anger Books for Parents of Angry Kids

You can find these books at your local library or purchase them through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Books about Teaching Kids how to manage anger


Books on Anger for Elementary-Age and Middle School

Anger Management Books for Teenagers

Parenting Books to Help with Angry Kids

Help your children and students better understand their emotions:


Emotions Postcards for Kids

Anger Books for Kids: Anger Management Help for Kids of All Ages (including Parents) | Mommy Evolution


    1. Jennifer Hughes says:

      I’m a BIG fan of mindfulness…. if I can just get my kids to calm down enough 😉 But I definitely believe in it for older kids (and adults!)

  1. Wendy Young says:


    Thank you so much for sharing BLOOM as a resource for parents! Dr. Kenney and I know it’s going to change the lives of millions of kids and parents across the globe!

    All good wishes and happy parenting,
    Wendy @Kidlutions

    1. I actually hesitated to include it because it’s so new but I ended up buying the ebook to see what it was all about because I was interested in it for myself!

  2. This list came at a perfect time for our family. We are always looking for more books on how to calm down and be less frustrated. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yep. I was revisiting some of these for the family and it inspired me to work toward making the list. Hope you find the right one for you.

  3. Barton Williams says:

    What about ANGRY MANGRY?

    A great Australian Children’s Book that highlights a novel way of cooling down!

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