Sensory Benefits of Yoga for Kids

The sensory benefits of yoga for kids are impressive!

Yoga is a GREAT way to get proprioceptive (joints/heavy work) and vestibular (inner ear/balance) input.

And it’s just plain fun.

Want more sensory ideas? Be sure to check out our other fun sensory activities for kids!

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Sensory Benefits of Yoga for Kids | Mommy Evolution

Sensory Benefits of Yoga for Kids

What words come to your mind when you think of yoga?




Maybe “OM!”?

But “sensory?” — Absolutely!

In addition to yoga, have you ever considered teaching your child about meditation? Try this rainbow meditation perfect for younger kids!

Sensory Benefits of Yoga for Kids

Learn about how you can use yoga with your kids from Julie of My Mundane and Miraculous Life!

Here are some of her family’s favorite yoga poses and some of their benefits.

Tree Pose

Stand upright with arms to the side or straight overhead.

With one foot firmly planted, place the sole of the other foot flat against the sturdy leg.

Placing the foot on the opposite ankle is the easiest.

Bringing the sole of the foot up to the calf or even the thigh is more challenging.

Yoga Tree Pose for Kids
Aren’t you loving the lego chew necklace as well? You can grab it here:

Benefits: Balance is key with this pose.

This makes the vestibular system kick it up a notch.

The inner ear has to work hard to keep the body upright.

Downward Dog Pose

With palms and feet flat on the ground, bend at the waist.

Keep the back flat and feel the stretch through the back of the legs as well as the shoulder blades.

Your child should be looking at their knees.

Yoga Downward Dog Pose for Kids

Benefits: Whenever the head is inverted, the vestibular system gets a rush of input.

Many kids crave this.

The extra weight placed on the arms is great proprioceptive input, helping kids be more aware of their bodies.

Plank Pose

This one is great to do right before or after downward dog pose.

Palms remain flat on the ground, while soles come off the ground so that the child is on their toes.

Their back and legs should form one slope, instead of being hinged at the waist.

Yoga Plank Post for Kids

Yoga Benefits for Kids: Plank pose is excellent for heavy proprioceptive work.

So many muscles are engaged to keep the body in position, especially the core muscles.

The stronger a child’s core, the better control they will have of their bodies, even fine motor skills!

Dead Bug Yoga Pose

While this may not be an official yoga pose, it should be!

While lying on their backs, have the child curl all their limbs and head toward the center of their body.

They’ll look like a balled up roly poly.

Yoga Dead Bug Pose for Kids

Benefits: This is another great one for the core.

There’s also the added benefit of all the proprioceptive pressure on the back while they roll about.

Child’s Pose

With hands flat on the floor, have your child tuck their legs underneath themselves, shins and the tops of the feet to the floor.

The child can rest their forehead on the floor.

Yoga Child's Post for Kids

Benefits: While there is some proprioceptive input with this one, it’s also extremely calming.

Have your child focus on deep breaths.

This is a great pose to get in during an especially stressful time.

Your child may feel like they’re in a safe cocoon where they can work through their feelings.

These are just a couple of the yoga poses you can do with your child, even at a young age.

Go at their pace and comfort level. Keep things fun and lighthearted.

Your child will be getting wonderful sensory input without even knowing it!

For more ideas and information about doing yoga with your kiddos, consider the following affiliate links:

About Julie

Julie is a frazzled mom of two tornadoes (and another on the way).

As a dorky second-generation homeschooler, she writes about learning and SPD, natural living and matters of the heart over on her blog “My Mundane and Miraculous Life.”


This post is part of the Sensory Summer series, hosted by Mommy Evolution in partnership with The Sensory Spectrum.

Follow us all summer and visit our Sensory Summer series page to get the latest sensory fun for your kiddos!


  1. LOVE this post – real live kids in actual poses!!!!
    As a former yoga teacher and studio owner i can also affirm the instruction…

  2. Great post. As a pediatric PT, I recommend yoga. It is so beneficial for children, requires no equipment and can be done in small spaces. You mentioned some wonderful poses especially for muscle strengthening and balance. I recently wrote a blogpost on 10 Reasons Why Yoga is Beneficial for Children at You will find even more reasons why yoga is great for children’s sensory motor development.

    1. Thanks for sharing your post! I have two boys… but only one will do some of the yoga with me. I even find him doing “om” on his own at times 🙂

  3. I never knew they had a dead bug pose – lol! Yoga for kids (or moms) is so great — love your pics!

  4. This would be great to incorporate into our homeschool curriculum this year! Thanks for sharing!

    1. Absolutely! Yoga can be the perfect break for kids when you’re homeschooling… I kind of wish they had it in the public schools, too.

  5. Lovely post – we have the Ypga pretzel cards which reminds me I must try them again with Monkey – last time he wasnt that interested but now he’s a bit older (just turned 3) we might get somewhere! Thank you for the inspiration x #FeatureFriday

    1. Yoga can really be such an amazing outlet. It didn’t click with my ADHD kid… but my second child gets caught just hanging out doing “om”

  6. My oldest does a bit of yoga during school when they need to calm down after recess or during their gym class! Thank you for linking up at the Simply Sundays link party!

    1. So glad to hear that they do it in school! I wish ALL schools understood the benefits and did that throughout the day.

  7. What a wonderful and informative article! As a child and family therapist and yoga instructor, I find myself discussing the MANY benefits of yoga and mindfulness to both parents and their children all the time. It’s great to have examples of how yoga can help with sensory integration, as well.

    1. I love yoga myself… it wasn’t a hit with my older kiddo but my younger one gets a kick out of doing the poses with me sometimes.

      1. How long do you have the kiddos sustain each pose?

        1. It’s not about counting to keep the kids holding the pose… particularly if they’re young. It’s about them moving to get to the pose and your child will set the pace.

  8. What a wonderful and informative article! As a child and family therapist and yoga instructor,

  9. Any good ideas how to slow them down so they actually benefits from the yoga . He wants to race throw it . I try to get him to breath and he even breaths fast .uggg

    1. I know my sensory kiddo just wouldn’t slow down for yoga… despite the benefits, yoga isn’t necessarily for every kiddo.

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