Childrens New Years Books

My boys have always found New Year’s Eve to be magical. The idea of a brand new year is so exciting! Join in on the excitement with these Childrens New Years Books!

Join us for more New Years Crafts and Activities, too!

For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!

You can find these Children’s New Years Books at your local library or purchase through the links provided for your convenience.

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My boys have always found New Year's Eve to be magical. The idea of a brand new year is so exciting! Join in on the excitement with these Childrens New Years Books!

When my children were little, we actually celebrated Meridian time to ring in the new year – I had no intention of staying up that late with little humans. Ha!

A friend introduced us to eating grapes at “midnight” that year.

And my family always celebrate the first day of the New Year eating blacked eyed peas.

And celebrate all year long with holiday books for kids to last the whole year!

New Year Facts for Kids

In the United States people eat black eye peas, cabbage, and ham on New Year’s Eve for good luck. Round foods, like doughnuts, are considered good luck in some cultures.

Celebrating the new year began 4,000 years ago in Rome.

Learn about New Year’s Eve Traditions and festivities from around the world.

And keep the fun going with new years coloring pages!

Childrens New Years Books

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