Blue Man Group Review – A Fun Family Experience!
Wondering if Blue Man Group is the right outing for you and the rest of the family? Read my Blue Man Group review!

Blue Man Group Review
Our summer fun continues as part of Camp Jenny with our blue, non verbal friends over at Blue Man Group.
I had actually seen Blue Man Group about 15 years ago with a friend and had a blast.
But I wondered if it would be the exact same show… and I wondered that, because I had already seen it, would it be just as fun as I remember?
But the name of the game this summer is to have fun with my boys (ages 7 and 9), who refused to go to camp. So instead we’re having Camp Jenny all summer long 🙂 Blue Man Group it is!
I should note… we were not guests of Blue Man Group. My Blue Man Group review is completely my own opinion.
Blue Man Group, however, was kind enough to supply some of the pictures of the performance (because photography is not allowed during the show).

Take Public Transportation
If you didn’t know already, parking can be difficult near the Chicago Briar Street Theater.
We skipped fighting the parking altogether and hopped on the El.
It literally stops 2 blocks from the theater and couldn’t be easier. My boys loved riding the train (kids never really outgrow that, do they?)
There are a couple of day performances if you have younger kids like we do.
We actually grabbed brunch at Ann Sather’s (just around the corner)
Get to the Show Early
If there is one place you don’t want to show up just before the performance or late, it’s Blue Man Group.
Although we went to the Chicago location, I have to imagine most locations have the lobby set up to get everyone into the groove.

We arrived about 20 minutes before the show, which was just enough time for the boys to explore the lobby, which is covered in wires and tubes.
Go talk into a tube and you may just end up talking to a stranger across the room.
The tubes are labeled so you can have a buddy go find the other end and you can chat away. It was a fun precursor to the show.
Bring ear muffs
While the show is fun, the show is also loud. As an adult, it didn’t bother me, but I was glad to hear ear protection for the boys.
We brought our 3M Peltor Optime 98 Earmuffs (affiliate). The kids happily wore them through the performance (and we noticed a number of other kids in elementary school doing the same).
If you don’t own a pair, I would highly recommend you do. We use them in other places for the kids as well throughout the year (fireworks, anyone?!?)
Sit in the Front Rows If You Dare!
When we walked into the theater, the first thing I noticed was the plastic ponchos sitting on each chair in the first 5 rows.
And they are not kidding.

While you won’t feel like you’re sitting in a Gallagher show, you’re probably going to get some splatter.
My recommendation would be to miss the front pit and buy seats just out of shot.
My kids were ridiculously nervous they were going to get hit because we were just behind the last row with the ponchos… But we were all completely safe.
Blue man group review
The show is a light and sound extravaganza.
The premise is 3 men, all blue, take you on a journey as they discover and play with the objects put out for them.
Sounds simple enough, right? But boring it is not!
The blue men, who actually don’t speak a word the entire performance, will make you laugh and keep the family engaged throughout.
My boys were literally on their seats for the entire performance.
For example, the Blue Men are playing the drums… But wait.
One of the men pours paint onto the drum.
Before you know it, paint is flying everywhere in time with the beat.

The only time they weren’t is when these crazy huge balls dropped from the ceiling and the entire audience got into the act.
I actually think that was my favorite part.
It was like the biggest party you’ve ever been to (but you’re sober… And it’s still a blast).

Because the blue men don’t speak, the show relies heavily on the permission the men playing percussion.
Sometimes it’s the drums… but one part we all absolutely loved was when they play an instrument made out of PVC pipe.

My oldest boy is really into the drums, so this show blew him away.
You have to handle it to the Blue Man Group for turning something ordinary into extraordinary.
I also want to give proper credit to the band that plays along with the blue men and really gives the show extra personality.
They sit up in the rafters above the stage, wearing costumes with Day-Glo paint under neon lights.
You can’t see the people actually playing… just the parts lit up by the black light.

Blue Man Group Worldwide
We saw Blue Man Group playing at Chicago’s Briar Street Theatre, the same theater I saw it at about 15 years prior.
If you can believe it, this show is celebrating its 25th anniversary this summer!
But iff you’re not in Chicago, don’t worry.
There’s probably a Blue Man Group near you! Blue Man Group is playing in the following cities:
- Chicago
- New York City
- Boston
- Las Vegas
- Orlando
- World Tour (visit the site for details)
To purchase tickets, visit Blue Man Group’s website. They will post any deals going on there so be sure to check it out!
Our Takeaway From the Show
As we left the show, our cheeks were actually hurting we had such permagrin. Seriously, this is a tough show to describe but is ridiculously easy to enjoy for all ages from elementary school on up!
I have to say, it’s been several weeks since we saw Blue Man Group and my kids are still randomly bringing up something they saw or experienced during the show.
That tells me it was an even bigger hit because they’re still thinking about it and processing the fun. It is a memory they are sure to treasure.