What To Do With Old Christmas Cards? Make a Holiday Collage!

Spring is here and you still haven’t let go of last year’s Christmas cards.

Just like you, we loved seeing everyone’s pictures and personality in the holiday sentiments they sent out.

But now they’re gathering dust on the shelf, waiting for the inevitable.

Get more Christmas inspiration — including Christmas recipes, holiday crafts and children’s activities.

Recycle Old Christmas Cards: Create Collages

So what to do with those old Christmas cards? Make a Christmas collage with the kids! It’s not only fun but amazing fine motor skill practice.

What you’ll need for this project:

  1. Christmas cards
  2. Child-friendly scissors
  3. Elmer’s glue
  4. Construction paper
  5. That’s it! Seems too easy, right?

1. For picture cards of friends and family, we gently cut out their pictures, which are either sitting on our fridge or prominently placed on our boys’ bulletin boards. There’s no reason not to keep the photos, but the decorations surrounding the pics can be perfect for this activity.

2. Let the kids cut out the decorations on the holiday cards. Toddlers will cut right through everything. That’s okay. They’re still learning how to hold scissors. My Kindergartener cut out shapes to create his own holiday scene.

3. Go crazy! Make whatever you want. This isn’t about creating the perfect masterpiece but about letting your kids explore their creativity while working on their fine motor skills, which will help them with their handwriting down the road.

No photos were hurt in the making of this project.

If you just can’t part with those delightful holiday cards or turn them over to the kids, here are some other ideas to make room on your shelves and reclaim the space.

christmas card crafts

Wait ‘Til Your Father Gets Home made Christmas card books.

Keeping Up With the Times crafted Christmas globe ornaments.

recycle christmas cards

S.C.R.A.P. made canning jar toppers.

christmas card bowl

My So Called Craft Life created Christmas card bowls.

Lisa Fulmer on FaveCrafts recommended making new cards from the old ones.


  1. Hi Jenny, Thanks so much for sharing Lisa Fulmer’s card tutorial! This is such a quick and easy way to recycle old cards (something that people often forget they can do). Have a wonderful day!

  2. Maria Iemma says:

    Some of the ideas I can make with my grand kids. Thank you so much for sharing!

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