Sensory Painting! DIY Spice Paint Recipe
Have you ever thought about infusing your child’s paint with spices? Trust me, art never smelled so good! It brings a whole new level to Sensory Painting.
Bringing this fun sensory painting experience to us is Deanna from Play Dough & Popsicles.
Want more sensory ideas? Be sure to check out our other fun sensory activities for kids!
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Sensory Painting! DIY Spice Paint Recipe
We love painting in our house.
I like to mix it up, though.
Although I enjoy regular washable paint, changing it up and using different elements to paint is not only fun but is a mystery every time.
We don’t know how it’s going to turn out when we are concocting our ‘paint’.
We also never know what the end result will be.
It adds a lot to the excitement that already exists when creating masterpieces with paint.

This particular day we decided to make homemade paint with spices.
The base we used was flour, water, and oil and then added the spice of choice to each bowl.
We chose cinnamon, nutmeg, thyme, and turmeric.
The cinnamon, nutmeg, and thyme were smooth but you could see the brown or green speckles of the spices that didn’t mix up completely.
The turmeric was my absolute favorite.
The yellow was so bold but creamy at the same time.
We painted with a few different types of paint brushes.
We also brought in other types of tools such as spoons, q-tips, and cotton balls. It was an experiment all around to see how it would turn out.
What result would each tool have?
It was exciting throughout the whole project.

My favorite masterpiece that we created was the turkey.
We painted it together.
We took turns, each part of the turkey painted with a different paint and a different tool.
It was truly enjoyable for me and my 3 year old daughter. {Actually she’s basically 4..only a month left.. Acck!!}
It also had a puffy paint effect. It is a thicker paint, because of the flour I am assuming, but it really did look thick or puffy on the page.
DIY Spice Paint Recipe

For Four Colors/Spices:
- 4 Bowls
- 4 Spoons for Mixing
- 1 Cup Flour
- 1.25 Cups Cold Water
- 1 TBS Oil
- Spices: Cinnamon, Thyme, Nutmeg, and Tumeric
- Paint Brushes
- Paper

Sensory Painting How To:
Mix together flour, water, and oil. Mixture should not be drippy but not super thick either.
Split mixture into four bowls.
Add 1-2 TBS of one spice into one bowl of mixture. Repeat with each spice.
Mix. Mix. Mix. Until desired color is reached.
Paint onto paper. Will dry within a couple hours.

The only ‘bad’ part about this project is as it dried overnight it curled the paper almost in a complete roll.
When I tried to flatten it, the paint flaked off and basically ruined the picture.
So I wouldn’t say that this type of painting is for creating art to be displayed, but more for the experience.
UNLESS you secure the corners of the paper as it’s drying, that may prevent this problem. I have yet to try it, though.
This post is part of the Fall Sensory Play series, hosted by Mommy Evolution in partnership with The Sensory Spectrum. Go to the Fall Sensory Series to get the latest sensory fun for your kiddos!
About Deanna: Deanna writes for Play Dough & Popsicles, a parenting and lifestyle blog that features kids activities and crafts. She has an almost 4 year old daughter whom she is blessed to be able to stay home with every day. You can read more of her awesome activities on her blog.

What a yummy idea! I wonder if gingerbread scent could be added in the same way?
Mmm! Gingerbread would be wonderful!! We’ll have to try that! Great idea!!
I love the idea of trying to make your own paints! We have made water colors with old markers, but this is awesome!
And, with painting, the experience really is the biggest factor for little ones.
That turkey turned out really cute, though!
This looks like a lot of fun to do and smell. I love the cute turkey that was made. 🙂 Thank you for sharing this great activity on my page. Pinned!