Kid Books About Cats
Kid Books about Cats offer a wonderful opportunity for young readers to learn about these lovable creatures and to develop their reading skills in a fun and engaging way.
Cats are fascinating animals that have captured the hearts of both children and adults for generations. With their playful and curious nature, as well as their affectionate personalities, it’s no surprise that cats are a popular theme in children’s literature.
For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!
You can find these kid books about cats at your local library or through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Purring, stretching, yawning or pawing, kids just simply adore cats.
Whether your child is a fan of cute and cuddly kittens or adventurous felines, these Kid Books about Cats will provide hours of enjoyment and leave a lasting impression on young readers.
Keep the fun going with Free Printable Cat-Themed Notebooking Pages.
Kid Books About Cats
Kitty Cat should be getting ready for school, but instead, she’s practicing her purr, looking for her socks, chasing a little mouse, and more. Will Kitty Cat make it out of the house in time for school?
Why do cats have whiskers? How do cats land on their paws? Do people need cats?
These and other questions are answered by the author, along with some extra information provided by the cats themselves.
Newbery Honor
Once upon a time there was an old man and an old woman who were very lonely. They decided to get a cat, but when the old man went out searching, he found not one cat, but millions and billions and trillions of cats!
Unable to decide which one would be the best pet, he brought them all home.
The fat cat sat on the mat. "Get off!" said the rat. But the fat cat just sat. Will the rat get the fat cat off the mat? Enjoy reading this silly story aloud for maximum effect!
One stormy night, Grace Darling, the lighthouse keeper's daughter, spots a ship in trouble on the rocks. At the same time, the lighthouse cat, Gracie, spots that a kitten from her new litter has strayed. Grace and Gracie both hurry to the rescue, braving the rain and storm.
From scratching up the couch to stealing dinner, kids will fall in love with this lovable character and discover surprises on every page.
In this rhyming picture book by New York Times bestselling authors, Pete and the gang work together to find the missing cupcakes and learn about making mistakes, forgiveness, and that it’s cool to be kind.
Cat after cat makes its way over the fence and into the backyard of a lady who’s looking for a little quiet to enjoy some music.
There are slinky cats and stinky cats, gray cats and stray cats, but all the cats have one thing in common — they love to sing.
IRA Teachers' Choice
Young Jim Mulholland can't believe his good luck: He has signed on as a cabin boy to the world's finest ocean liner, the Titanic. As part of his duties Jim is in charge of the ship's cat, a beautiful tortoiseshell that also appears happy to be on board.
Once the ship's trial runs are completed and it's ready to launch to sea, Jim notices that the cat is nowhere to be found. The Titanic can't cast off without her lucky cat. Jim is faced with a decision that will affect the rest of his life.
Nat the Cat is taking a nap. Or he would be…if only the narrator would stop interrupting his sleep!
This witty story, where Nat’s words keep getting turned upside down and inside out, is sure to make readers laugh out loud.
A celebration of both individuality and community, I Am a Cat is a strong debut that shows we’re all more alike than we think . . . if we look closely enough.
A simple housecat named Simon encounters some bigger cats: Lion, Puma, Panther, Tiger, and Cheetah. Each of the big cats has something to say about Simon not being “cat” enough. According to them, he just doesn’t measure up.
Lucky Cat is a heartwarming story about an immigrant family in America, and a new friend their daughter June makes as they prepare to open their restaurant.
What Cats Dream About is an unforgettable read aloud account of what our furry feline friends get up to when they close their eyes.
Step into the magical world of kitty slumber where dancing forests, lively rainbows, fantastical creatures, and heroic cat quests are purr-fectly normal.
When a quiet-loving cat takes an unexpected tour of the neighborhood, he's in for some rude surprises — until he discovers the purrfect solution.
If you give a cat a cupcake, he'll ask for some sprinkles to go with it. When you give him the sprinkles, he might spill some on the floor. Cleaning up will make him hot, so you'll give him a bathing suit...
A cool cat, a huffy over-fluffy cat, a prowly cat or a howly, yowly, scowly cat?. . . children will love imagining what makes the perfect cat - and what doesn't!