How to Make Halloween Less Scary for Pets
Jack-o’-lanterns, candy and costumed visitors are all part of the fun ofHalloween.
But for pets, burning candles, toxic treats, strangers and frequently opened front doors can be frightfully dangerous.
I know our little Lucy gets a bit freaked out with the change in activity.
Looking for more great Halloween ideas? Be sure to check out my collection of Halloween tips, ideas, activities, recipes and more for the entire family.
Here are some terrific tips and products for keeping Fido or Fluffy safe, secure and happy through the witching hour.
Opening the door for trick-or-treaters can tempt some pets to bolt. Prevent pets from escaping into the night by keeping them in their own safe haven, especially during peak trick-or-treating hours. Place your pet in a different room from trick or treaters. Or a comfy kennel can offer great visibility so pets can keep an eye on the action in safety.
The ringing doorbell and steady stream of strangers can be stressful for pets. Chew toys provide a great way for your dog to release energy, get exercise and stay mentally stimulated in high-anxiety situations.
If you do take your pet trick-or-treating, reflective gear is a must. Use a leash with a reflective cord and wrist strap for extra visibility at night.
Don’t force your pet into a costume if he seems upset by it. Sure, pictures your your pooch or kitty in costumes can be darn adorable, but it isn’t worth traumatizing the poor guy. If you want to jazz up his outfit, a festive bandana is an easy way to add to some pop.
For pets whose favorite costume is “escape artist,” collars with ID tags are a must.
Watch out for candles, which can singe your pets hair.
Many Halloween candies, especially chocolate, are toxic for pets. Make sure tired, sugar-crazed kids don’t forget to put their Halloween haul away before bedtime, well out of reach or behind cabinet doors, to prevent a trip to the emergency vet. And don’t forget about the wrappers!
Looking for more great Halloween ideas? Be sure to check out my collection of Halloween tips, ideas, activities, recipes and more for the entire family.
Great suggestions
Great post! One year my mini schnauzer ate my son’s entire bag of Halloween candy while we slept. He ended up throwing up 6 times under my bed in the middle of the night. We are so lucky and thankful he survived. It could have been so much worse. I shared a link to this on Our Secondhand House’s facebook page. Feel free to drop by to check it out.
Great tips!
One thing we do that helps is we actually sit outside and hand out candy. We have so many trick or treaters that you can’t sit down inside your house so we camp out on the front stoop and hand out candy. Other neighbors gather in their driveway with a fire pit when it’s colder. Not hearing the doorbell tends to help the dogs not get so worked up.
Fab tips…