Free Kid Workshops

There’s a hidden free event right in your neighborhood you probably don’t even know about. That’s right. I said FREE. On the first Saturday of every month, your local Home Depot sponsors a free workshop for your kiddos, ages 5-12.

I had heard about these workshops but never took advantage of them ’til now. I sent my husband and 6-year-old off to the hardware store to let them try their hand at building this month’s project… a bird feeder. They had such an awesome time they stayed to make a second bird feeder for Vman’s younger brother. I call that a ringing endorsement.

Vman's Finished Product: A Bird Feeder.
Vman’s Finished Project: A Bird Feeder.

Home Depot provided all of the materials needed, including the paint and brushes! So when he came home, Vman had a finished project. In addition, Home Depot gave him  an adorable kid-sized workshop apron that I know will get some use around the house. I see some serious crafts and painting in our future!

To sign up for the next workshop, just follow this link: Free Kid Workshops.

The description Home Depot provides about their monthly workshops:

  • FREE hands-on workshops designed for children ages 5 – 12 offered the 1st Saturday of every month at all The Home Depot stores between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
  • Workshops teach children do-it-yourself skills, tool safety and instill a sense of pride and accomplishment.
  • All kids get to keep their craft and receive a FREE Kids Workshop Apron, commemorative pin and certificate of achievement.
  • Paint will be provided at the workshop for children to personalize their bird feeder craft!

Disclosure: I received no compensation for this publication. My opinions are my own and may differ from those of your own. 


  1. stanleyandkatrina says:

    yes, yes, yes! These are fantastic!
    Cool Mom for
    Stanley & Katrina

  2. I’ve done these. They are fun. Also a good way to keep kid busy while hubs shops at the Home Depot.

    1. I hadn’t thought of that. However, in my case, I would be the one shopping. My hubs is still figuring out the difference between a philips head screwdriver and flathead 😉

  3. Renee @ Mother Daughter Book Reviews says:

    Yes! I’ve known of these for a while but haven’t signed up yet! Thanks for the reminder!

    1. I had heard about these last year and kept thinking I would try them out. Now I’m not sure why I waited so long!

  4. I have seen the same type of thing in my local Lowe’s store but have never investigated them. I should take a closer look.

    1. They are really awesome workshops. And well run. When we tried them out, I knew I had to write about them.

    1. I love that you still have the bird feeder. My boys are absolutely loving watching the birds. We’ll definitely be back each weekend.

  5. I always forget about these workshops until it’s too late! Thanks for the reminder 🙂 Thanks so much for joining us at last week’s All my Bloggy Friends …. We look forward to seeing what you share this week!

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