15 Back to School Picture Books for Kids

Back to School Picture Books are a great way to help children prepare for the new school year and feel more confident and excited about this important transition.

Are you gearing up for the first day of school like I am? We have a 3rd grader this year and our youngest is starting 1st Grade. (Did you hear my sniffle?) But it’s not all tears… because that means a whole new reason for new books!

For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!

You can find these back to school picture books for kids listed below at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links for your convenience.

Back to School Picutre Books for Kids | Mommy Evolution

Children’s Books for the Start of School

This week, we have been enjoying the humor of Timothy Goes to School.

And honestly, we read Llama Llama Misses Mama throughout the year, but it’s also the perfect back to school book.

And who doesn’t love The Berenstain Bears Go to School? Tell me which ones are your favorites!

And to kick off the school year right, why not make these adorable back to school hats.



  1. Joni Mason says:

    I can’t wait to get David Goes To School and Llama Llama Misses Mama for my 4 year old grandson. Two of his favorite books are No David and Llama Llama Red Pajama so I know he will love these! Thanks for sharing!

  2. What a great list! We love the “David” and “Llama” books at our house.

    1. Don’t you just love Pete the Cat? He’s been a fave in our house for years.

    1. Love introducing folks to new books. My boys love all of these books… we’ve read them all over the years.

  3. I love Llama Llama books! (And read one to my 19-month-old tonight.) 🙂 This reminds me, though: I need to see if I can find a few books about younger siblings left behind when the older ones go back to school. Because today was the first day of school for my 7-year-old, and her baby sis was SO SAD! 🙂 Thanks for linking up to Works for Me Wednesday!

  4. Oh goodness! I love so many of these! Great choices! My daughter owns every Pete the Cat book (she specifically says she loves how positive he is!) We’ll have to pick up the Splat the Cat one, though! We didn’t know that one existed and we love splat, too! Thanks for this great list!

  5. Visiting from tattertos & jello link party- great selection! I’ll have to hit the library with my kiddos 🙂

  6. Thanks for sharing great back to school pictures books with Hearth and soul blog hop.

  7. Shelley Lee says:

    Jenny, This is a great list. Thank you so much for sharing. I am an educator and write a blog for other educators. I’d love to include a link to your post!

  8. This is such a fantastic list! I am always looking for new and engaging books for my daughter. Thank you for taking the time to share. A book that was discussed quite a bit and recommended in my mom and me group is “The First 12 Days of Preschool: Reading, Singing, and Dancing Can Prepare Kiddos and Parents!” by Jeanette Crystal Bradley(https://jeanettecrystalbradley.com/). I bought this for my child before starting preschool. She absolutely adored it! I would read it to her, and she would “read” it back to me. We did the dances and sang the songs so much I think I have them memorized. Even a few weeks into school and we are still reading it! Such a cute book! Simple language, cute pictures, engaging activities: A definite recommend! If you end up checking it out please let me know what you think.

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