Mother Goose for Kids

In the realms of childhood wonder, where imagination reigns and whimsy knows no bounds, one figure has stood the test of time as a beloved storyteller and rhyme-spinner—Mother Goose. Read all about her on Mommy Evolution.

The tales and verses or Mother Goose, often characterized by playful rhythms and captivating characters, have enchanted generations of young readers and listeners. But who is Mother Goose, and what is the enduring magic behind her tales?

Below, learn everything you could want to know about Mother Goose as well as activities to incorporate into the classroom or at home.

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mother goose resources for school and classroom

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Join us on a journey of discovery as we delve into the origins, significance, and timeless appeal of Mother Goose and her enchanting world of nursery rhymes.

From the historical roots of these ageless stories to the profound impact they have on early childhood development, we invite you to step into the world of Mother Goose and embrace the enduring wonder that lies within her tales.

Mother Goose Books for Kids

Mother Goose, a legendary and beloved figure in children’s literature, has been enchanting young hearts and minds for generations with her whimsical nursery rhymes and timeless tales. And there’s no better way to fall in love with Mother Goose than to read these magical books.

Mother Goose Activities

Introduce your child to a world of creativity and learning through Mother Goose activities for kids! These fun and educational activities are designed to bring the enchanting world of nursery rhymes to life while nurturing young imaginations.

Mother Goose Background

Explore the rich history and enchanting world of Mother Goose with this background information. Discover the origins of these beloved nursery rhymes, the cultural significance they hold, and the enduring charm that has made Mother Goose a cherished figure in children’s literature for centuries.

Is Mother Goose a Witch?

Mother Goose is not typically portrayed as a witch. Mother Goose is a mythical and fictional character who is often associated with nursery rhymes and children’s stories.

She is usually depicted as an elderly woman, often wearing a bonnet, who is the source of many traditional nursery rhymes.

Mother Goose is a beloved and gentle figure in children’s literature, known for her storytelling and rhyming tales that have entertained and educated generations of young readers.

Favorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother GooseFavorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother GooseFavorite Nursery Rhymes from Mother GooseSylvia Long's Mother GooseSylvia Long’s Mother GooseSylvia Long's Mother GooseTomie dePaola's Mother GooseTomie dePaola’s Mother GooseTomie dePaola's Mother GooseHere Comes Mother GooseHere Comes Mother GooseHere Comes Mother Goose


While Mother Goose may have a magical quality in the sense that her rhymes often contain imaginative and whimsical elements, she is not typically associated with witchcraft or supernatural powers.

Why Called Mother Goose?

The term “Mother Goose” has a long and somewhat mysterious history. It’s believed to have originated in French folklore and literature. The name “Mère l’Oye” in French translates to “Mother Goose” in English.

Charles Perrault, a French author who is often credited with popularizing the use of the name, used “Mother Goose” as the author of his collection of fairy tales, including classics like “Cinderella” and “Little Red Riding Hood,” published in 1697.

However, it’s essential to note that Perrault did not claim to be the original author of these tales. Instead, he presented them as stories that had been passed down through generations, often told by older women or “mothers” to entertain and educate children.

Over time, these stories became associated with the character “Mother Goose,” who was depicted as a kind and maternal figure known for her storytelling.

The Golden Mother GooseThe Golden Mother GooseThe Golden Mother GooseMary Engelbreit's Mother Goose Board BookMary Engelbreit’s Mother Goose Board BookMary Engelbreit's Mother Goose Board BookMy First Real Mother GooseMy First Real Mother GooseMy First Real Mother GooseThe Neighborhood Mother GooseThe Neighborhood Mother GooseThe Neighborhood Mother Goose


The name “Mother Goose” was later adopted in English literature and became synonymous with nursery rhymes and children’s stories.

mother goose as a witch riding a goose

While the origins of “Mother Goose” remain somewhat obscure, she has since become a beloved and enduring figure in children’s literature, known for her whimsical and entertaining tales.

Printable Mother Goose Activities

Printable Mother Goose activities are designed to captivate young minds, nurturing their love for language, storytelling and creativity.

Whether you’re a parent looking to engage your child in playful learning or an educator seeking to make nursery rhymes a dynamic part of the curriculum, these printable resources offer a wealth of opportunities.

The Classic Collection of Mother Goose Nursery RhymesThe Classic Collection of Mother Goose Nursery RhymesThe Classic Collection of Mother Goose Nursery RhymesMother Goose TreasuryMother Goose TreasuryMother Goose TreasuryMy Very First Mother GooseMy Very First Mother GooseMy Very First Mother GooseThe Real Mother GooseThe Real Mother GooseThe Real Mother Goose


Join us on a journey where rhyme meets reason, laughter meets learning, and Mother Goose’s timeless tales come to life through interactive and imaginative activities.