5 Lessons I’ve Learned Having Sensory Children
When I had my first child, I knew there was a lot to learn. But I had absolutely no idea the incredible lessons I’d learn from having a child with Sensory Processing Disorder.
Today I’m sharing the 5 lessons I’ve learned – they will help you on your journey as well.
Be sure to learn more about Sensory Processing Disorder and my parenting tips on how to support your child with sensory challenges.
5 Lessons I’ve Learned Having Sensory Children
I am so much stronger than I thought I was.
I used to think I was a bad-ass.
I ran corporate public relations programs for multimillion dollar companies.
But that was a cake walk compared to raising a kid with Sensory Processing Disorder and severe ADHD.
If I ever needed to be tested on how strong I could be under pressure, having two kids with SPD brought the challenge to the table.
I still feel weak, underprepared and unaccomplished some days.
But compared to what I used to think I could handle, SPD has shown that even on my worst days, I’m still a bad-ass mom who rises to the occasion when all things are said and done.
I am not crazy to think something was off.
When Vman was an infant, people brushed off my concerns.
The amount of unhelpful and uninformed advice thrown my way filled my head with self-doubt.
What was wrong with me that I couldn’t make things okay?
When we finally figured out Vman had SPD, I was finally able to say, “See! I’m not crazy!!!”
As he got older, I also suspected Dyslexia and ADHD – which was abundantly clear when we had him tested.
Over the years, there have been many people who have questioned our children’s diagnoses and how we manage our kids.
I can be the calm in a storm.
Even during the worst meltdowns, I figured out how to keep my cool.
That doesn’t mean I was feeling cool on the inside.
I was actually screaming on the inside.
But I learned mantras to help me get through the tough moments to move on to the next.
I know more than the doctors.
In the beginning, I relied solely on the doctors to help me understand what was happening.
Most babies (after 3 months) cry a total of one hour. My Vman could cry and scream for hours in just one sitting.
This wasn’t normal! But our pediatrician just told us he must have colic.
In my gut, I knew that was ridiculous. I learned to not just take what doctors say at face value (and when to fire your doctor and find a new one).
Our pediatrician now may not know a ton about SPD, but he’s willing to learn and hear what I have to say.
I know we’ll be okay.
My sons are now teens.
Even back then, I knew we’d be okay.
That doesn’t mean we still don’t have our challenges or our really bad days, but those have become fewer and far between.
To learn more about sensory challenges or to join our inclusive community, visit The Sensory Spectrum.