Potty Training Books for Toddlers and Parents

Reading children’s potty training books aimed at kids with your child can help ease the potty training process.

Let’s face it, potty training can be a painful process for parents and an unpleasant one for kids sometimes. Potty training can be a process of trial and error. But don’t worry, you’ll get there!

For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!

You can find these potty training books at your local library or purchase through the affiliate links provided for your convenience.

Potty Training books for Kids and Parents | Mommy Evolution

Help Potty Train your Child with Books

It can be both exciting and quite frustrating.

Rest assured, eventually your child will be potty trained.

It’s not like you see teenagers running around in diapers!

Also, if your child is having difficulty (or you want to make the process of potty training to go quickly), consider reading my recommended books about potty training for parents.

Don’t miss my potty training guidelines as well as potty training tips!


Don’t miss my potty training guidelines as well as potty training tips!

Potty Training books for Parents

potty training books - big girl panties and the potty book


  1. We have the Elmo potty book! I’ll have to pick up some more of these. Pinning!

    1. The Elmo book is great…. we read multiple ones (and it kept me from being bored by the books)

  2. Great list! I’ll need these soon when I potty train my toddler. 🙂

    1. The books will definitely help! And get the conversation going… which is a big part of the process in potty training.

  3. A month after my son turned 2 he started going on the potty. The only thing he wouldn’t do was poop. So I made a “poop chart” (a piece of paper that says poop chart) and he puts stickers on it every time he poops. Its the little things that make him happy, sometimes for a big poop I’ll give him a piece of candy. But I believe he pretty much potty trained himself. He was ready, and the stickers were just icing on the cake.

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