Funny Mom Confessions

Moms are sharing their confessions on Mommy Evolution. With Mother’s Day just around the corner, I thought it was time to share some of these funny mom confessions with you.

Be sure to tell me which ones are your favorites and then add your own to my moms confession page. It’s completely anonymous. So go ahead and confess!

 Mom Confession #145: I don’t like kids I don’t know.

Mom Confession: I don’t like kids I don’t know.

 Mom Confession #114: I love seeing someone else’s kid having a meltdown in public because it’s not my kid.

Mom Confession: I love seeing someone else’s kid having a meltown in public because it’s not my kid. - Mom Confession #107: Marlene Dietrich said it best. “I vhant to be alone.” (Dont’ tell the homeschooled kid.)

Mom Confession #107: Marlene Dietrich said it best. “I vhant to be alone.” (Dont’ tell the homeschooled kid.) - Mom Confession #133: I tell my kids not to swear. And then I turn around and curse some gadget in the house.

Mom Confession: I tell my kids not to swear. And then I turn around and curse some gadget in the house. - Mom Confession #186: While on the bathroom floor feeding my teenage son ice chips to stave off dehydration from the stomach flu, I let him know that this is what it feels like when you drink too much.

Mom Confession: While on the bathroom floor feeding my teenage son ice chips to stave off dehydration from the stomach flu, I let him know that this is what it feels like when you drink too much. - Mom Confession #178: After my kids get home from staying the night with my in-laws, I lie and tell them I watched movies. But I actually went to a casino.

Mom Confession: After my kids get home from staying the night with my in-laws, I lie and tell them I watched movie. But I actually went to a casino.

Be sure to anonymously add your own to the

Mom Confession Page!


    1. Me, too! When someone sent that confession in I couldn’t help but laugh outloud.

  1. Sandra VanHoey says:

    I like #114, relieved as well for once it isn’t our child

    1. Ha! I do wonder if other parents are thinking the same thing in the middle of Target…

  2. These are awesome! I love #114, I see myself in that a lot! As luck would have it I can’t think of a single mom confession right now!

  3. Great confessions! #114 is something I can relate to SO much. And right now I’m having a #107 moment, sigh…

    1. Ha! I think my kids would feel like they need a break from me if I homeschooled them 🙂

  4. Mom confession #114 is so true:) This was so much fun to read!

  5. Love it! Hmm, how about this one: I tell my kids they can’t have a cookie because it’s 8 am, then when they’re not looking I scarf down three or four.

    1. Now that’s a classic on, Lauren. I’m adding it to the list 🙂

  6. 114 is true for me too! I love it! I am glad it’s not my kid but sometimes I do feel sorry for the Mom whose kid is throwing the tantrum because it really isn’t any fun.

    1. I know, but again… I’m always thankful it isn’t mine!

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