First 100 Words Board Books
First 100 Words Board Books, where early learning and exploration come together in a delightful way, are carefully crafted to introduce the youngest readers to the magic of language and the joy of discovering their first words. Board books are perfect for little hands learning their words.
With vibrant illustrations and simple, engaging text, these books provide a wonderful platform for toddlers and preschoolers to build their vocabulary and develop essential early literacy skills.
You can find these first 100 words board books – part of the Best Baby Books – at your local library or through the links provided for your convenience.
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Join us on a journey of discovery as we dive into the world of “First 100 Words Board Books” and set the stage for a lifelong love of reading and learning.
And if you’re wondering – Baby Talk isn’t just a cute way to talk to your infant. But as the days go on, you’ll find yourself saying Words Only a Parent Would Say.
Why are the First 100 Words with Pictures Important?
The first 100 words with important are important for babies as they mark the beginning of their language development journey. Here’s why these early words matter!
Foundation for Language: Babies are born with the capacity to learn any language, but exposure to language is essential for them to develop their own communication skills. The first 100 words provide a foundational vocabulary that babies will build upon as they grow.
Communication: Babies start communicating from birth through gestures, sounds and eventually words. The first 100 words are their initial tools for expressing basic needs and desires, such as hunger, discomfort or affection.
Social Interaction: Learning words is closely linked to social interaction. Babies begin to understand that words convey meaning and can be used to engage with caregivers and others around them. This early social interaction is critical for bonding and emotional development.
My First Touch and Feel Picture Cards: First Words (My First Board Books)Baby’s First Words Wooden Magnetic Shapes
50 First Words Flashcards: Scholastic Early Learners (Flashcards)
LeapFrog Learning Friends 100 Words Book (Frustration Free Packaging), Green
Cognitive Development: Language development is closely tied to cognitive development. Learning words helps babies organize their thoughts and understand the world around them. It also forms the basis for more complex thinking and problem-solving as they grow.
Preparation for Literacy: A strong foundation in spoken language is crucial for later literacy development. Babies who are exposed to a rich vocabulary from an early age are more likely to develop strong reading and writing skills as they enter school.
Parent-Child Bonding: Interacting with babies through speech and language helps strengthen the bond between parents or caregivers and the child. Babies respond to the sound of their caregivers’ voices, and this interaction promotes a sense of security and attachment.
Listening Skills: Learning words involves active listening. Babies become attuned to the sounds and rhythms of their native language, which is an important skill for comprehension and communication.
50 Baby’s First WordsFIRST WORDS with Real Picture
First Words Printable Cards Alphabet Flash Cards
First Words Alphabet Flash Cards
Really, the first 100 words are the building blocks of a baby’s language development. They provide the tools for communication, social interaction, cognitive growth, and the foundation for future literacy skills.
Parents and caregivers play a crucial role in introducing these early words and fostering a rich linguistic environment for their babies to thrive.
What are the first 100 words speech and language
The concept of the “first 100 words” in speech and language development typically refers to the initial vocabulary that children begin to acquire and use in their early years of life.
These words are often simple and fundamental, laying the foundation for more complex language skills.
My son didn’t follow these “rules” and the first word he signed and said was apple (which sounded like appah). Kids will pick what’s important to them.
That said, here’s a list of common words that are among the first 100 words for many children:
- Mommy
- Daddy
- Baby
- Dog
- Cat
- Ball
- Milk
- Juice
- More
- All done
- Hi
- Bye
- Yes
- No
- Please
- Thank you
- Sorry
- Help
- Up
- Down
- Hot
- Cold
- Eat
- Drink
- Bath
- Bed
- Book
- Toy
- Shoes
- Hat
- Coat
- Sock
- Pants
- Shirt
- Nose
- Eye
- Ear
- Mouth
- Teeth
- Hair
- Belly
- Arm
- Leg
- Hand
- Foot
- Baby
- Friend
- Happy
- Sad
- Big
- Small
- More
- All gone
- Open
- Close
- In
- Out
- On
- Off
- Stop
- Go
- Mine
- His
- Hers
- Theirs
- Ours
- That
- This
- Here
- There
- What
- Where
- Who
- Why
- How
- When
- Up
- Down
- Over
- Under
- Again
- More
- All done
- Please
- Thank you
- Sorry
- Excuse me
- Goodbye
- Hello
- Yes
- No
- I
- You
- He
- She
- It
- We
- They
- Me
- Us
LeapFrog 100 Words and 100 Animals Book Set (Frustration Free Packaging)My First Library : Boxset of 10 Board Books for Kids
LeapFrog 100 Words About Places I Go Book
100 First Words Flash Cards for Toddlers
It’s important to note that the order in which children acquire these words can vary, and not all children will have the exact same first 100 words. So your child will follow their own path for their first 100 words.
Speech and language development is highly individual, influenced by factors like exposure to language, interactions with caregivers, and personal interests.

These early words provide the foundation for more advanced language skills, including grammar, vocabulary, and communication abilities as children continue to grow and develop.
First 100 Words Board Books
Your little one will soon learn some essential first words and pictures with this bright board book. There are 100 color photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first words to read and learn, too.Â
With easy-to-lift card flaps on each spread, this stylish first word book is sure to hit the mark with little ones as they learn all sorts of new animals and objects. A clean layout grouped by theme features one hundred essential words and simple illustrations to help toddlers understand them.
With an interactive puzzle activity on each page, this oversized lift-the-flap board book will help babies and toddlers begin to identify foundational words and meanings.
Your little one will love to discover farm animals, machinery, and everyday farm objects inside this colorful, padded board book from Roger Priddy.
There are 100 animal photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 animal names to read and learn, too.Â
Babies and toddlers are curious and ready to learn! Introduce them to science words that go beyond the basics.
From physics to biology, from astronomy to geography, from medicine to thermodynamics and beyond, this is the bright and simple introduction to the smart words every budding scholar needs!
Bright Baby Colors, ABC, Numbers from bestselling children's book author and educator Roger Priddy. This book introduces three key first concepts: letters, number, and colors; Helps babies and toddlers to build their early vocabulary; and Large, colorful and sturdy format to withstand repeated learning fun.
There are over 100 eye-catching photographs of familiar things, each with big labels printed underneath in both languages. A great aid for building vocabulary and recognising words in both languages for all little learners.
Adorable cartoon-like illustrated characters, such as a dog and a robin, help introduce important first concepts.
This must-have for little learners is the ideal tool for teaching new words. There are over 100 eye-catching photographs of food, pets, toys and more that children will recognize from their everyday environment, each with big, bold labels printed underneath.
By pressing the buttons and matching the sounds to the pictures again and again, children will quickly and easily learn simple first words and develop their speech. A terrific, fun way to improve your child's vocabulary and motor skills.
Introduce babies and toddlers to color with this bright and bold board book from Roger Priddy―a striking addition to the top-selling First 100 series, which has sold over 4 million copies in the United States alone.
From plants and animals, to landscapes, weathers and more, there are so many new words for young children to learn in this pocket-sized board book. The colorful illustrations and photographic images give this book a fresh, vibrant look, whilst the eye-catching cover makes this another stand-out Priddy book to add to the bookshelf.
There are 100 different truck photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 truck names to read and learn, too. The automobiles are organized into different types such as cars, rescue vehicles and more.Â
First Words of Love is the perfect present for toddlers this Valentine's Day. Part of a best-selling range from Priddy Books, this pocket-sized board book with a soft, padded cover is great for little hands to hold.
From the creation of the world and the stories of Adam and Eve, Noah, and Moses, to the birth of Jesus and the resurrection, each story is represented by a collection of vocabulary words and accompanying illustrations just right for celebrating the scripture with your baby.Â
Your young chld will soon learn their first numbers, shapes and colors with this bright board book from Priddy Books.
Children can pick their favorite Halloween costume, decorations, treats and more, from the colorful illustrations and photographic images.
Learn all about the Christmas holiday in this fun and exciting first words book, the perfect introduction to the most wonderful time of the year.
Your little one will love to learn about numbers and counting with this bright board book from Roger Priddy, First 100 Numbers. There are interesting photographs to look at and talk about, and labels to read and learn, too.Â
This small padded board book is packed full of photographs and illustrations of different things that represent the 50 states, from the natural wonder of the Grand Canyon to the impressive Empire State Building. As well as landmarks and monuments, it also includes images of animals, food, people, nature, and more.Â
With bold, easy-to-lift card flaps, this stylish first words book is full of objects for children to recognize in nature. Every word is brought to life with charming artwork by home-ware designer Edward Underwood. And with flaps to lift on every page, little ones will enjoy exploring this book over and over.
This interactive board book in the new First 100 Lift-the-Flap series is the ideal tool to help babies and toddlers learn all about their first animals.
Organized into categories such as pets and on the farm for ease of use, there are over 50 flaps to lift which reveal hidden photographs of animals underneath.
This is a box set of 5 early learning board books, each comprising 100 well-researched and attractive images. These books will help your child build vocabulary, observation skills, and prepare them for school.
Infants and toddlers will learn key concepts and words with these bright board books. Each book has 100 color photographs to look at and talk about, and 100 simple first words to read and learn, too. The pages are made from tough board for hours of fun reading, and the cover is softly padded for little hands to hold.