Dog Books for Children

Whether it’s a story about a rescue dog or a funny tale about a mischievous puppy, dog books for children are sure to capture their imagination and tug at their heartstrings.

After all, dogs are a beloved companion for many families, and children are no exception!

Their furry and loyal nature makes them a popular subject in children’s literature and one subject we can never get enough of!

For more reading ideas, visit our extensive list of childrens books for kids!

You can find these dog books for children at your local library or through the affiliated links provided for your convenience.

toddler standing in fall leaves hugging her husky dog

Fun Dog Facts

Dogs have an incredible sense of smell. They can smell up to 100,000 times better than humans.

There are over 300 different breeds of dogs in the world.

Dogs can understand up to 250 words and gestures, making them very smart animals.

Dogs have a unique paw print, just like humans have unique fingerprints.

children's dog books

There are just too many wonderful books featuring dogs to include.

In this list, I’ve included some not-to-be-missed classics as well as newer books that you’re going to want to read with your child.

Enduring classics my boys absolutely loved over the years include The Stray Dog, Bark! George, Harry the Dirty Dog and Walter the Farting Dog (which was gifted to us by a neighbor and an instant hit!)

dog books for children

Dog Books for Children

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