Can the Bus Come Early?


Moms seem to be in two camps when it comes to sending the kids back to school.

The first camp laments the end of summer. They post loving messages on Facebook about how much they will miss their precious ones once they leave for school. No more sleeping in. No more lazy walks and late night ice cream runs. No more snuggles in the middle of the day.

The second camp celebrates the end of summer. They post pictures of their kids getting on the bus while the parents happily wave goodbye. No more crazy routines. No more children hanging on them all day long. No more kids wrestling, arguing and bickering at lunchtime.

While no group is wrong, I certainly fall into the second camp. I love my boys as much as parents who will miss their kids. But I also desperately need to have my own space and be my own person during the day. For me, school couldn’t come soon enough!

Are you excited for school to begin again?



  1. I already have my daily routine mapped out once they start school! It includes soooo much me time and exercising-distraction free! I can’t even jog unless my husband is home to watch my son! I can drop him at bus and Go now! But will miss him!

    1. Sounds like someone is super excited to get those kids back in school!

    1. I know! I’m looking forward to just doing the laundry in peace 😉

  2. I have the 2 oldest that are virtual school (at home) and I have 2 in elementary so I am excited for them to get going but at the same time I know we have alot more freedom and family time when they are all home.

    1. That’s a great point. There is more freedom when the kids are home… well, as a family. I haven’t been able to get some stuff done for the house because the kiddos have been home — but they’re in 1st Grade and Pre-K. I think it would be different if they were older.

  3. Mixed feelings at our house! We have had a great time this summer, but looking forward to get some routine back in our lives!

    1. We had a terrific summer, too. But even the boys are sick of seeing each other all of the time!

  4. I have a bit of a jekyll and hyde thing going on about this return to school time of year. Regardless of my feelings september always seems to show up and so it begins. Always a season for everything. 🙂 visiting via your great friday flash blog hop

    1. Barb – We can both celebrate and be sad about the return of school. Wait. Who am I kidding. I’m so thrilled school has started! 😉

  5. I was sad that summer went by so quick but I am so happy to have a few hours to myself to get things done! I didn’t realize how much I missed the quiet of an empty house.

    We still make a late night ice cream run on the weekends and I do miss sleeping until 9:30 😉

  6. I am totally in the first camp… however it would probably be different if I worked from home! 😉

    1. Working from home, it is definitely different! We’ve had some wonderful vacations this summer but I’m ready to BREATHE!

  7. The routine of the school year keeps our house running and I truly believe that kids appreciate structure and adjust to their day better when there is a routine.

    1. I am dying for more routine in our house… I definitely believe kids do better when there’s a set routine.

  8. I always felt guilty when I was glad for school to start again. Like I was a bad mom.
    Now, I am just indeifferent, since my girls are both grown. But now I have a grand, and I want to hug her 24/7!! And sometimes she wants that, nay INSISTS on that too! Then I remember, a little separation is ok.

    1. I don’t think I ever felt guilty that I was ready for school to start again… we all need time to just be people… not just moms.

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